

Protecting your health information is important to University of Utah Health (“U of U Health”). 大发娱乐通过以下方式维护您信息的隐私和安全:

  • 对大发娱乐的教职员工和志愿者进行隐私实践培训.
  • 对信息存储采取技术和物理保障措施.
  • Follow the Health 保险 Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements.
  • Implement administrative controls to ensure we use or disclose patient data with caution and after careful consideration.


U of U Health understands that your health information is very personal and private. 大发娱乐为每位病人大发娱乐提供 私隐实务通知 他们第一次来大发娱乐大发娱乐寻求医疗服务. 这份文件是大发娱乐对您的隐私承诺的核心.

This notice tells you how we use and disclose your information to provide you with the best treatment and support our operations. The notice advises you of your rights to access and control your own health information.


You have the right to request that we take certain actions related to your health information. You can do this by submitting one or more of the forms below  as needed.



索要一份你的医疗记录副本. You can also identify another person or entity that you authorize us to share your medical record. 提交一个 患者健康信息披露授权表.
请求更正你的医疗记录. 提交一个 要求修改受保护健康信息表格.
要求大发娱乐限制大发娱乐使用和分享的信息. 提交一个 病人申请特别私隐限制表格.
请告知大发娱乐不要与您的保险公司分享某些健康信息. 提交一个 病人 Request for Privacy Restriction for "Health Care 服务 Paid for Out-of-Pocket" form.
Get a list of those with whom we have shared your information for reasons other than treatment, 付款, 或行政目的 提交一个 申请会计披露表格.
Identify others who are authorized to act on your behalf (such as medical power of attorney, 法定监护人, 诸如此类). 大发娱乐提供您选择的法律文件.
请告知大发娱乐不要将您的信息用于筹款目的. 选择退出筹款


当你接受健康护理时, 大发娱乐可能会使用您的健康信息对您进行治疗, 服务帐单, 并进行正常的业务运营. 大发娱乐如何使用您的信息的例子包括:


Health care providers use your health information to treat you and to deliver 质量 care to meet your needs. Your doctor may share your health information with other providers who are involved in your care.

一些健康记录, including confidential communications with a mental health professional and substance abuse records, may have additional restrictions for use and disclosure under state and federal law.


We keep billing records that include 付款 information and documentation of the services provided to you. We may use your information to get 付款 from you, your insurance company, or another third party.

We may also contact your insurance company to verify coverage for your care or to notify them of upcoming services that may need prior notice or approval.


大发娱乐使用健康信息来评估和提高护理质量, 培训员工和学生, 大发娱乐提供客户服务, 管理成本, 履行必要的业务职责, 制定计划,更好地服务大发娱乐的社区. 


There are limited situations when we may disclose health information without your signed authorization. 这些情况包括:

  • 为法律允许或要求的公共卫生目的. Examples include reporting communicable diseases; work-related illnesses; births and deaths; reactions to drugs; and problems with medical devices.
  • 保护受虐者, 忽视, 或家庭暴力或避免对健康或安全的严重威胁.
  • For health oversight activities, such as investigations, audits, and inspections.
  • 应执法部门的要求或法律或法院命令的要求.
  • 验尸官,法医和葬礼承办人.
  • 器官及组织捐赠.
  • For research approved by our review process under strict federal guidelines.
  • For specialized government functions such as intelligence and national security.


A health information exchange provides a way for authorized health care professionals to securely access and share patient medical information. Only authorized health care professionals who have a relationship with you who access your medical information in a shared electronic medical record or health information exchange.


Because you may receive treatment from more than one health professional, we participate in  health information exchanges to share information with your other health care providers. Information from different health care encounters could inform decisions about treatments you receive. 关于你的疾病的信息, 受伤, 过敏, 药物, 测试结果, and health history allow health care professionals to make the best possible decisions to care for you.

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act encourages the sharing of information. HITECH provides objectives for health care providers to meet in order to support improved health care for patients. One of the core objectives is to provide patients and their health care providers with access to medical information to improve the safety, 质量, 和护理效率.

The 21st Century Cures Act: The Cures Act supports the use of modern technology in health care. One of its primary purposes is to reduce barriers to your ability to access your own health information. The Cures Act rules refer to these access barriers as “information blocking.” The Cures Act rules also require that we participate in standardized processes for exchanging health information, 包括使用HIEs.

Some examples of HIEs in which U of U Health participates include the following:

  • 史诗般的关怀无处不在. This application provides a way to access a patient's electronic health record when that record is kept by another health care organization. 大发娱乐列出了“处处关怀”的参与者. 
  • 犹他州健康信息网(UHIN). UHIN is a nonprofit, broad-based coalition of Utah health care insurers, providers, and others. UHIN provides a private and secure gateway for electronic data exchanges. UHIN收集数据并向全州数据存储库大发娱乐提供数据. 
  • 可信交换框架和共同协议(TEFCA). TEFCA是《大发娱乐》的一部分. It's goal is to simplify and support the exchange of electronic health information between HIEs, 同时保障健康信息的隐私和安全. TEFCA旨在改善急诊护理结果, 尽量减少护理差距, 降低医疗成本, 促进公众健康, and enable individuals to more easily gather their health care information.



  • Share information with family or friends to the extent they are directly involved in your care or in paying for your care.
  • 提醒你一个约会. (可选:通知调度程序,如果你不希望被提醒.)
  • 把你列入来电者,访客和神职人员的病人名录. (可选:你可以 选择退出参与目录.)
  • 与大发娱乐大发娱乐治疗的商业伙伴分享信息, 付款, 以及医疗保健业务. (这些 商业伙伴 必须遵守适用的隐私法律法规.)
